Ammonium Urate Crystals:Ammonium urate crystals are variably-sized, amber, rounded crystals with a smooth surface
Ammonium Biurate Crystals:
Ammonium biurate crystals are large, amber, rounded crystals with pointed protuberances along their surface
Granular Casts: Granular casts have a rectangular shape, often with rounded extremities. Note that sometimes debris such as mucus and desquamated cells can resemble casts. True casts can be differentiated from these artefacts by their parallel sides. Casts are formed in the renal tubules, and no more than 0-1 are normally present per 100x field. When these casts are abundant, tubular damage should be suspected. Finally, there are other kinds of casts
Calcium oxalate dihydrate crystals:
Calcium oxalate dihydrate crystals are normally found in the urine sediment in small quantities. They are small square crystals with an "x" in their center. Sometimes, they have an envelope appearance, and may even be cuboidal or rectangular with slightly rounded corners
Pollen grains:
This microscopic field contains three pollen grains. These are contaminants which may be misinterpreted as parasite larvae in the oocyst stage. Compared to real oocysts, however, pollen grains will demonstrate a more variable appearance
Lipid Droplets:
It is normal to find lipid droplets in the urinary sediment, especially in cats. The number and size of the lipid droplets can vary. They can be distinguished as bright rings which float over the sediment and other structures
This microphotograph illustrates a fiber or animal hair which is characterized by an elongated, asymmetrical, and refractile appearance. This type of artefact should not be confused with a fungal organism or parasite larva such as microfilaria
Cloth Fibers : Cloth fibers can often take on interesting shapes in the urine sediment. It is important not to confuse them with microorganisms
WBCs in urine
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